
How To Prepare For Your Eye Exam

If you have an eye exam scheduled, then you should prepare for this exam like you would any other medical test. However, since the examination involves the eyes, there are a few specific things you should be doing in preparation.  Understand Your Family History Your family history is extremely important when it comes to your health, and this is no exception when it comes to your eyes and vision. However, you need to know the specific of eye-related health issues as well as other general ones.

Signs That May Indicate That You've Developed Cataracts

As you age, you will want to make sure that you stay well aware of the signs that may indicate that you have developed cataracts. This way, should you suspect that you are dealing with such eye problems, you will know that it is time to contact your trusted optometrist. You Might Have Cloudy Vision This is not usually something that happens overnight. It is a symptom that generally starts mildly and will progress as the months or years pass by.

Why Do You Get Eye Floaters?

Most people go through their daily lives with nothing impeding their vision, so if you're seeing something moving across your vision, it can be quite alarming. These are eye floaters, and while not everyone experiences them, many do. If you think you might have eye floaters, read on to find out what you need to know. What are Eye Floaters Eye floaters are actually not a foreign substance or something that got into your eye.

Caring For Your Contact Lenses: What You Should Know

Contact lenses allow you to see clearly, but if you aren't taking care of your lenses properly, they may actually inhibit your ability to see. Caring for your lenses is important to prevent eye infections, prevent dryness and prevent your vision from worsening. If you experience difficulties with your eyes or your contact lenses, be sure to contact your local ophthalmologist. Read on for lens care tips. Use Contact Lens Solution

3 Things To Know About Cataract Surgery

Cataracts can have a major impact on vision and daily life. Our eyes have lenses that bend the light that enters our eyes and helps us see. The lens in an eye is supposed to be clear. However, clouding of the lenses can occur and when this happens it's referred to as cataracts. Cataracts tend to worsen with age. They can begin to impact your vision as early as your 40s and 50s but tend to cause the most problems after age 60.

Tired Of Glasses And Contacts? Consider A Laser Vision Correction Procedure

Have you been wearing glasses for most of your life? For as long as you can remember, you may have had to wear glasses because you couldn't see well enough without them; however, using eyeglasses and contact lenses each day can be frustrating for some people. If you're tired of dealing with your glasses or contact lenses, there is an alternative option available. You could undergo laser vision correction to drastically improve your eyesight, so you can ditch the glasses and those annoying contact lenses for good.

3 Tips For Using Eye Drops

Eye drops can be great for providing relief for uncomfortable eyes, and they can be used to treat various eye-related issues as well. Even though eye drops might be quite common and popular, however, many people actually make mistakes when using them. These are a few tips that can help you use eye drops the right way so that you can enjoy the best possible benefit from them. 1. Use the Right Type of Eye Drops

Is Your Child Having Trouble With Eyesight?

Some parents do not realize that their child may have eye problems. Children have a harder time explaining what they see and how they feel, so you can't always count on your child to know that their eyesight is poor. Here are some signs to look for that will help indicate that your child needs an eye exam with a local optometrist: 1. Complaints of head pain or tiredness. Children can experience headaches from eye strain.

You Can "Age Gracefully," But Your Eyes Don't Have To! Options To Explore

When you have been able to see most of your life, you really do not want to lose that ability. However, the aging process tends to take some of your sight with it. All of a sudden you have to wear thicker glasses, bifocals, or trifocals. If you want to age gracefully, but do not want your eyes and eyewear to show it, here are some options for you. No-Line Bifocals and Trifocals

Seeing For Two: How To Care For Your Eyes During Pregnancy

If you're pregnant, you want to stay as healthy as possible. You're probably visiting your doctor on a regular basis, watching what you eat, and getting some exercise. However, if you're not including your eyes in your health routine, you could be setting yourself up for vision problems. You might not realize this, but the rush of hormones through your body during pregnancy can wreak havoc on your eyes. You can help reduce vision problems by spending some extra time caring for your eyes.